Monday, June 24, 2013

Exit Tickets

Exit Tickets are quick assessments you can do as kids are wrapping up an activity.  I have seen several different versions of these, some using Post-it Notes.  Although I know there is value in written assessment and I do use it on occasion, having kids write quickly, in my experience, never works out.  I would rather do something aural/oral on the way out.  I've used my rhythm cards several times throughout the year as exit tickets.  Here are a couple:

1.  To assess understanding of the whole rest/whole note in 3rd grade.  Each student performed an 8 beat rhythm pattern containing one or the other before lining up to leave.  Sounds like it would take forever but we completed this within a couple of minutes.  Way better than searching for pencils and clipboards and getting a post it note.  Ugh!  I hate tedious time spent on passing out materials.

2.  In 1st grade I assessed note names using rhythm cards.  After labeling quarter/eighth notes, I would point to a note randomly on the rhythm cards and ask students to name it.  I could see whether they knew the name instantly or at least knew where to find the answer in my room.

These are just 2 ways I've used rhythm cards for exit tickets.  Do you have any other ideas?


  1. Awesome! Very good ideas! I use this in my classroom. One rule I always use is that they have to speak in a complete sentence!

    Sometimes my ticket to leave is something simple like naming a song we sang that had sixteenth notes. Often they just have to complete a sentence-starter such as, "I met our objective when I...." They just fill in the blank!

    I have seen science teachers who don't let the kids go out to recess until they can name the lab instrument from a flash card! It is hard-core, but a quick quiz in line is so simple! :)

  2. I put several cards on the board and assign a number to each one. I will clap one of the patterns and they show me the number of the pattern I clapped as they walk past me at the door. (The rule is that your number has to be in front of your body so that others can't see it.). To put a different spin on the question, I sometimes will clap several of the cards and ask them to show me which one was left out or ask them to look at the cards and tell me how many half notes, etc they see. I'm my class we call this the Password Question.


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